You can send donations to the Park of Study and reflection to our transparent bank account: 2500074734/2010. 2500074734/2010.

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You can check the balance of our transparent bank account na této stránce.

* PayPal:

Asociace Fénix, o.p.s.
IČO: 22863508, Poštovní adresa: Na Slupi 5, 128 00 Praha 2

Address of the Park of Study and Reflection Pravíkov:

Pravíkov 18, 394 70 Kamenice nad Lipou, Czechia

Contact Us

How to get to the Park

The village of Pravíkov is located on road No. 34 between Pelhřimov and Kamenice nad Lipou. From the main road, turn right at the bus stop (if you are coming from Pelhřimov) and drive approx. 200 m; You can recognize the Park of Studies and Reflections by the large white sign.

There is a direct bus from Prague-Roztyl to Pravíkov, when traveling by bus from Brno it is necessary to change in Pelhřimov. Alternatively, it is possible to go to Kamenice nad Lipou and walk about 4 km.

Invitations to Events


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