Parks of Study and Reflection
In the picturesque village of Pravíkov, we are creating a place for contact with the best in us and others.
There are dozens of parks of study and reflection all around the world. The intention is to find and share profound wisdom based on inner experience.
In the Parks you will find an environment where it is easy to focus inside.
Parks are created thanks to people of different cultures and religions. They are united by a desire to create places where the intention is to study the human consciousness, its possibilities and its development..
At the same time, to bring this knowledge into the relationships and projects in the everyday world.
These places are ideal for study and reflection. We organize seminars, workshops, celebrations and other events for public.
We are developing the Park thanks sorely to the donations of individual people who see meaning in the development of places focused on the evolution of people and the society.Likewise, we are not tied to any organizations or funds.
All Parks have a number of
common symbolic elements:
When one passes through the Gate, one enters a different time and space. Marking the boundary between the external world – everyday life and the place for studying and reflection – the interior of the human being, the Gate is designed to bring about a change in the internal state of everyone who enters.
The fountain resembles life as it is, the life force. It is based on symbols that combine the feminine and masculine principles. The water can flow there thanks to the connection of these two principles. It is a strong place where important memories are recalled.
The hall is an empty space in the shape of a hemisphere. It symbolizes contact with the profound, concealed in each of us. The halls are an ideal space for personal contemplation and joint experiences, meditations and celebrations.
In history, monoliths have emerged symbolizing the union of earth and sky, space and time. The materials testify about the time of origin. In our times we are building stainless steel monoliths with an engraved date of the opening of the particular Park.
The stele symbolizes that Parks are created only thanks to particular individuals. The names of the people involved in the creation or financing of the park are engraved on it.
and buildings:
The Center of Work is a place for seminars and meetings. There are common areas, a library with inspiring productions, a kitchen, a dining room and a sleeping room.

The Center of Study is an environment for a more profound personal reflection. There is a peaceful environment for meditation, research and monographs production. We focus on the evolution of human consciousness, mapping various techniques from the past and sharing knowledge and techniques with future generations.