Neighbourhood of Pravíkov
Pravíkov is a small village, a part of the town Kamenice nad Lipou in the district of Pelhřimov. It is located 4 kilometres northeast from Kamenice, practically halfway between Prague and Brno. Apart from occasional visitors-cottagers (mainly from Prague) there live only several tens of inhabitants. Pravíkov got its name thanks to the fact that gold (the “real medal” – “pravý kov”) used to be panned in this area.
The history of the town of Kamenice nad Lipou began in the 13th century. The landmark of the town is Renaissance palace (the original castle was rebuilt in 1583) with adjoining park. In this park there is an extraordinary memorable lime tree planted in 1248 which gave name to Kamenice (Czech word for lime tree is “lípa”). Another tourist attraction in Kamenice is a narrow gauge railway Jindřichův Hradec – Kamenice nad Lipou – Obrataň with summer operation of a steam train.
Pelhřimov is a town with a rich history as well. Its centre was proclaimed urban conservation area in 1969. The most important sights are the Palace of Říčany Lords, gothic churches of St. Bartholomew and St. Vitus, Lower (Jihlavská) and Upper (Rynárecká) Gates. There are the Museum of records and curiosities and the Museum of bogeymen in Pelhřimov.